Nomination committee appointed ahead of 2024 Annual General Meeting of Thule Group (publ)
Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2024.
Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2024.
Thule Group meddelar att valberedningen nu har utsetts inför årsstämman i april 2024.
Toby Lawton has been appointed Chief Financial Officer, CFO, and member of Group Management in Thule Group, based out of the Group Headquarters in Malmö, Sweden.
Toby Lawton har utsetts till ny finanschef (CFO) och medlem av koncernledningen i Thule Group AB, med placering på företagets huvudkontor i Malmö.
Thule Group announces today that Jonas Lindqvist, in agreement with the company, will leave his position as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at Thule Group. Jonas has been the CFO of the Thule Group since 2020 and will remain in his role until his successor is in place. The recruitment process for a new CFO will begin immediately.
Thule Group meddelar idag att Jonas Lindqvist i samförstånd med bolaget väljer att lämna sin tjänst som Chief Financial Officer (CFO) på Thule Group. Jonas har varit CFO för Thule Group sedan 2020 och kommer att kvarstå i sin roll fram till dess att en ersättare anställts. Rekryteringsprocessen av ny CFO inleds omgående.
Thule Group AB (publ)’s Annual General Meeting was held today 27 April 2023. At the Meeting the following was resolved.
Thule Group AB (publ):s årsstämma hölls idag den 27 april 2023. Vid årsstämman fattades följande beslut.
The shareholders of Thule Group AB (publ), reg. no 556770-6311, are hereby given notice of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held on Thursday 27 April 2023, at 11.00 am. CET at Quality Hotel View, Hyllie Stationstorg 29, Malmö. Registration for the AGM will begin at 10.00 am. CET.
Aktieägarna i Thule Group AB (publ), 556770-6311, kallas härmed till årsstämma torsdagen den 27 april 2023 kl. 11.00, på Quality Hotel View, Hyllie Stationstorg 29, Malmö. Inregistrering till stämman börjar kl. 10.00.