Corporate Information

Trading update on the impact of the current market situation within the bike retail sector

Thule Group communicated in the half-year report on July 21 that the general market situation in bike retail, at the time, was unstable with high inventory levels of bikes and bike accessories in the low- to mid-price segment and that the situation could impact the demand for Thule products. The situation has amplified, as bike retailers around the world have reduced their purchases significantly in the third quarter when comparing with the record year 2021. We believe that the chosen approach of the bike retail sector will continue in the near future and therefore impact Thule Group with reduced sales and profitability until next biking season in the spring of 2023.

Maria Montgomery

Maria är projektledare på Vero sedan 2021 och arbetar främst med strategisk kommunikationsrådgivning. Hon har lett uppdrag inom kriskommunikation, företagsförvärv och fungerat som kommunikationsansvarig för både noterade och onoterade bolag.

Tidigare arbetade Maria som kommunikationsstrateg på Stockholms stad med fokus på förändringsprocesser, projektledning, sociala medier, webb, event och mediehantering. Hon har en examen i strategisk kommunikation från Lunds universitet och en utbildning i projektledning från Berghs.

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