Countdown to Almedalen 2024

During four days in June, politicians, business leaders, decision-makers, and media come to Visby to engage in discussions, market research, and build new relations. Will you be there too? And need a helping hand? We are there to assist, both before, during, and after.

Vero has extensive experience in strategic communication consulting, and this year, once again, it extends all the way to Almedalen. We can support you with preparations before, activities during, and follow-up after the Almedalen week – all to optimize your experience. Here is how it can look:

Together, we refine the plan for your stay. We help you articulate why you are there and whom you want to reach, identify relevant forums, clarify your message, and plan events.

We are on site all week to assist with both small and large matters, provide good advice, and support where needed. Vero assists with everything from project management and specific communication efforts to operational services at events such as seminars and panel discussions. We often say that Vero’s clients get access to brains and heart, hands and feet. Almedalen is no exception.


After the intensive days, we review the week’s activities, gather insights, and create a plan for how to follow up on your participation and all the new contacts. All to maximize the benefit of your stay, moving forward.

You can reach the team at:
Catharina Kaijser – 073 566 24 39
Maria Montgomery – 070 757 84 85
Mathilda Rietz – 072 743 26 10
Urban Ekelund – 070 265 01 31
Naomi Hailemeskale – 072 250 96 72


Are you curious about what we do, want to be a part of our team or have a project that you wish to discuss? Call or e-mail us. If you would like us to contact you instead, fill in your details, and we will contact you as soon as we have the opportunity.
I would like you to contact me
Fill in your contact details and one of our advisors will contact you as soon as we can.