How we can help you.
Vero has extensive experience in strategic communication consulting. Our assignments are often comprehensive, long-term and based on close customer relationships. Many of our clients are listed companies – or headed for the stock market. We help with ongoing investor relations and advice on IPOs, company acquisitions and other transactions in which the quality of communication is crucial to success. Some projects are more limited – such as in crises, sudden events or other changes. Sometimes, we’re just needed as a sounding board. In all assignments, our goal is to provide experience, knowledge and creativity – and some laughs in between.

Ongoing advice | IPOs, transactions | Annual reports and interim reports | Annual General Meetings, Investor relations website, M&A website and IR movies | Social media | Presentations | Media relations | Crisis management 
och IR-film | Sociala medier | Presentationer | Medierelationer | Krishantering | Hållbarhet

Our services
Most of Vero's assignments take the form of ongoing advice and tangible communication support. This can include managing all the information required by a listed company, or support for organisations that need capital, a fairer valuation or just a little attention.
  • IR strategy
  • Message and communication plan
  • Interim reporting – advice, text and production
  • Press releases and media relations
  • Presentations
  • IR website – advice and content
  • ”IR for hire”
  • Annual report
  • Sustainability report
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Capital markets day
and change
Vero has extensive experience in providing advice in connection with IPOs, company acquisitions and other transactions. These are processes in which the quality of communication – both internally and externally – is particularly crucial. And where it matters if you’ve done it before.
  • Message platform and communication plan
  • Equity story
  • Media advice and media training
  • Support in establishing communication channels and procedures
  • IR website – advice and content
  • Ongoing communication support
  • All other preparations for life as a listed company
Crises and projects
Sometimes Vero’s assignments are more project-based – such as support in crises, sudden events and changes. At times, we’re just needed as a sounding board. We are a small agency with an extensive network, meaning that we have many friends with different specialist expertise to help out if the team needs strengthening.
  • Crisis management – preventive, ongoing and follow-on
  • Media training, Q&A and advice
  • Media analysis and monitoring
  • Internal communication
  • Ongoing communication support
  • Sustainability report
  • Annual General Meeting
  • Capital markets day
Analogue, digital
and motion
No matter where development and technology take us, Vero is committed to helping with both strategy and implementation. It can be a case of communication in moving media or print, social media or digital tools – and, of course, with the website as the hub of IR communication.
  • Innehållsstrategi, produktion och kanalval
  • Stöd eller innehållshantering i valda
  • Film production – from start to finish
  • Webbplats/IR-webb och budsajt – rådgivning
    och innehåll, helhetsansvar eller
    i samarbeten
Sustainability communication

Att som bolag navigera kring hållbarhetskrav, regelverk och lagar kan vara svårt. Vi vet. Men idag är hållbarhet inte bara regelefterlevnad för många bolag utan också ett sätt att stärka både varumärke och relation till investerare. På Vero förstår vi vikten av ett välintegrerat strategiskt hållbarhetsarbete och hur det kommuniceras till kapitalmarknaden på bästa sätt.

  • Sustainability reporting 
  • ESG equity story
  • Strategy and target formulation
  • Stakeholder dialogue and materiality analysis
  • Law and regulatory compliance
  • Message, packaging, web and presentation
  • Utbildning och workshops för styrelse och ledning

Below you can read more about current regulations and how Vero works.

Good advice pays off.


Are you curious about what we do, want to be a part of our team or have a project that you wish to discuss? Call or e-mail us. If you would like us to contact you instead, fill in your details, and we will contact you as soon as we have the opportunity.
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