Other Corporate Information
Thule Groups’ (publ) CEO and President, Magnus Welander, comments on the first quarter, 2023
Sales in the quarter were lower year-on-year, but at an expected level and with healthy profitability
Thule Groups (publ) vd och koncernchef, Magnus Welander, kommenterar företagets första kvartal 2023
Försäljningen i kvartalet var lägre än föregående år, men på en förväntad nivå och med god lönsamhet
Inbjudan till telefonkonferens med webbpresentation i samband med Thule Groups kvartalsrapport för första kvartalet, 2023
Torsdagen den 27 april, 2023, klockan 07.45 (CET) offentliggör Thule Group AB (publ) sin kvartalsrapport för första kvartalet (januari-mars), 2023. I samband med offentliggörandet av rapporten håller företaget en telefonkonferens med webb-presentation.
Invitation to conference call with web presentation of Thule Group’s Interim report for the first quarter, 2023
On Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 07:45 a.m. (CET) Thule Group AB (publ) will publish the Interim report Q1 (January-March), 2023. Following the report’s publication, Thule Group will arrange a conference call with a web presentation.
Thule Group sets Net-zero Targets for 2050
Thule Group has a long-established and ambitious sustainability strategy. Now we are taking another step in setting targets for our ambition to reduce the company’s environmental impact. Thule Group has applied for approval for Net-zero Targets for 2050.
Invitation to conference call with web presentation of Thule Group’s Year-end report and report for the fourth quarter (October-December), 2022
On Friday, February 10, 2023 at 07:45 a.m. (CET) Thule Group AB (publ) will publish the Year-end report and report for the fourth quarter (October-December), 2022. Following the report’s publication, Thule Group will arrange a conference call with a web presentation.