Nomination committee appointed ahead of 2025 Annual General Meeting of Thule Group (publ)
Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2025.
Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2025.
Thule Group meddelar att valberedningen nu har utsetts inför årsstämman i april 2025.
Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2024.
Thule Group meddelar att valberedningen nu har utsetts inför årsstämman i april 2024.
Enligt årsstämmans beslut ska Thule Groups valberedning utgöras av representanter för de fyra röstmässigt största aktieägarna per den 31 augusti varje år, samt av styrelsens ordförande som även ska sammankalla valberedningen till dess första sammanträde. Thule Group meddelar att valberedningen nu har utsetts inför årsstämman i april 2023.
In accordance with the decision of the Annual General Meeting, Thule Group´s nomination committee shall consist of the four largest shareholders as of August 31 each year and the Chairman of the Board, who also convenes the first meeting of the Nomination Committee. Thule Group hereby announces that the nomination committee has now been appointed ahead of the Annual General Meeting in April 2023.