Thule Group (publ) – Interim report, second quarter, April-June 2024

  • Net sales for the quarter amounted to SEK 3,099m (3,029), corresponding to an increase of 2.3 percent. Adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations, sales increased by 1.6 percent.
  • Operating income for the quarter amounted to SEK 732m (711), corresponding to a margin of 23.6 percent (23.5).
  • Net income for the quarter was SEK 559m (539).
  • Earnings per share before dilution amounted to SEK 5.28 (5.14) for the quarter.
  • Cash flow from operating activities totaled SEK 879m (718) for the quarter.
  • New financing agreement — Thule Group has entered a new financing agreement that replaces the agreement entered in June 2018. The new agreement, which came into force in the second quarter of 2024, is for a total financing amount of EUR 400m and consists of a combination of a revolving credit facility of EUR 320m and a long-term loan of EUR 80m.
  • The company Reacha (good goods tegernsee Gmbh) was acquired in early July. The company sells bike trailers for transporting water sport and other equipment and had sales of about SEK 9m in 2023.
Maria Montgomery

Maria är projektledare på Vero sedan 2021 och arbetar främst med strategisk kommunikationsrådgivning. Hon har lett uppdrag inom kriskommunikation, företagsförvärv och fungerat som kommunikationsansvarig för både noterade och onoterade bolag.

Tidigare arbetade Maria som kommunikationsstrateg på Stockholms stad med fokus på förändringsprocesser, projektledning, sociala medier, webb, event och mediehantering. Hon har en examen i strategisk kommunikation från Lunds universitet och en utbildning i projektledning från Berghs.

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