
Thule Groups’ (publ) CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the second quarter, 2024

STRONG PROFITABILITY EVEN WITH MAJOR INVESTMENTSNew Thule products continued to drive growth in the second quarter despite tough market conditions, and profitability was good even with major investments in future growth. The new product categories of dog transportation and car seats, which have been under development for several years, have now been launched and have …

Thule Groups’ (publ) CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the second quarter, 2024 Läs mer »

Thule Group (publ) – Interim report, second quarter, April-June 2024

Net sales for the quarter amounted to SEK 3,099m (3,029), corresponding to an increase of 2.3 percent. Adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations, sales increased by 1.6 percent. Operating income for the quarter amounted to SEK 732m (711), corresponding to a margin of 23.6 percent (23.5). Net income for the quarter was SEK 559m (539). Earnings …

Thule Group (publ) – Interim report, second quarter, April-June 2024 Läs mer »


The shareholders of Thule Group AB (publ), reg. no 556770-6311, are hereby given notice of the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) to be held on Friday 26 April 2024, at 11.00 am. CET at Quality Hotel View, Hyllie Stationstorg 29, Malmö. Registration for the AGM will begin at 10.00 am. CET.


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