
Thule Groups’ (publ) CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the Year-end report and fourth quarter, 2024

INTENSIVE CONCLUSION TO A SUCCESSFUL YEARThe fourth quarter of the year was intense but successful. We launched car seats in more than 20 countries, acquired Quad Lock, and sales and profitability increased. Intense and successful are two words that also describe the year as a whole. We launched more new products than ever before, added …

Thule Groups’ (publ) CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the Year-end report and fourth quarter, 2024 Läs mer »

Thule Group (publ) Year-end report, fourth quarter, October–December 2024

Fourth Quarter Net sales for the quarter amounted to SEK 1,678m (1,566), corresponding to an increase of 7.2 percent, of which 6.8 percent came from acquisitions, -0.6 percent organically and 1.0 percent from exchange rate fluctuations. Operating result for the quarter amounted to SEK -35m (53). Adjusted operating income (excluding transaction costs of SEK 100m …

Thule Group (publ) Year-end report, fourth quarter, October–December 2024 Läs mer »

Thule Group recognized as a global sustainability leader by Sustainalytics

Thule Group has been named one of the top 50 most sustainable companies worldwide in Sustainalytics’ 2025 ESG Top-Rated Companies List. Ranking 1st in the Consumer Durables category out of 208 companies and 50th globally out of 15,111, Thule Group has demonstrated industry-leading environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance. With an ESG Risk Rating of 7.1, categorized as “Negligible Risk”, Thule Group is among the most responsibly managed companies in the world.

Change in the number of shares and votes in Thule Group

According to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980), Swedish companies whose shares are listed on a regulated market and which increase or decrease the total number of shares or votes in the company are to disclose such changes on the last trading day the same month.

Invitation to investor meeting on January 8

On Wednesday, January 8, 2025 at 14:00 CET, Thule Group will host a conference call with a web presentation. The purpose of the call is to provide investors with a brief update and an opportunity to ask questions before Thule Group enters its silent period. The full-year results will be published on February 7.

Thule Group completes the acquisition of Quad Lock

On November 11, 2024, Thule Group announced the acquisition of Quad Lock, the global market leader in performance phone mount solutions, giving cyclists, motorcyclists, and other adventurers access to their mobile phones while being active. The acquisition was subject to regulatory approval from the Australian Foreign Investment Review Board, which now has been obtained. The acquisition has today been completed and Quad Lock is part of Thule Group as of December 4, 2024.

Thule Group acquires Quad Lock, the global market leader in performance phone mounts

Thule Group has signed an agreement to acquire Quad Lock, the global market leader in performance phone mount solutions, giving cyclists, motorcyclists and other adventurers access to their mobile phones while being active. Quad Lock has a turnover of SEK 1.4 billion with a 25 percent EBITDA margin, and fits well with Thule’s brand and strategy of developing market-leading positions in attractive niches. The purchase price amounts to AUD 500 million, or approximately SEK 3.6 billion, which corresponds to a multiple of 10x EBITDA.

Thule Groups’ CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the third quarter, 2024

GOOD QUARTER IN A CHALLENGING MARKETWe had a good third quarter of the year. Sales increased, profitability was good and the cash flow reached a record high level. Our many new products continue to drive growth and the work to build market positions in the new categories continues as planned.Sales in the third quarter increased …

Thule Groups’ CEO and President, Mattias Ankarberg, comments on the third quarter, 2024 Läs mer »

Thule Group – Interim report, third quarter, July – September 2024

Net sales for the quarter amounted to SEK 2,344m (2,311), corresponding to an increase of 1.4 percent. Adjusted for exchange rate fluctuations and acquisitions, sales increased 4.4 percent. Operating income for the quarter amounted to SEK 413m (359), corresponding to a margin of 17.6 percent (15.5). Net income for the quarter was SEK 300m (262). …

Thule Group – Interim report, third quarter, July – September 2024 Läs mer »

Maria Montgomery

Maria är projektledare på Vero sedan 2021 och arbetar främst med strategisk kommunikationsrådgivning. Hon har lett uppdrag inom kriskommunikation, företagsförvärv och fungerat som kommunikationsansvarig för både noterade och onoterade bolag.

Tidigare arbetade Maria som kommunikationsstrateg på Stockholms stad med fokus på förändringsprocesser, projektledning, sociala medier, webb, event och mediehantering. Hon har en examen i strategisk kommunikation från Lunds universitet och en utbildning i projektledning från Berghs.

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